Edapusrex Devon Rex
When Only a Devon Will Do

Are Devon Rex Cats Hypoallergenic
No, the Devon Rex is not an hypoallergenic cat. They are low allergenic and may still affect those with severe allergies to cats. Please see further down the page for more information.
Does the Devon Rex Coat Fall Out
The short answer to this is yes, some kittens are born with lots of curly coat that falls out during maturity, some kittens are born with little coat and it grows during maturity. FEAR NOT, your kitten will have a curly coat once they have reached maturity. Desexing usually helps as this takes away the hormonal urge to get rid of the fur. Sometimes in summer your Devon Rex Coat will thin out around the side of the neck and body.
The Devon Rex Cat
The Devon Rex, the Pixie of the Cat Fancy, sports oversized ears on an elfin face with large impish eyes. This adorable combination only hints at the mad-cap personality within – a cross, some say, between a cat, a dog, a monkey, and Dennis the Menace. They are a fun and fun-loving breed with a relaxed and social attitude rarely associated with cats. Delightfully silly in both appearance and antics, Devons are interested in everything and everyone around them. Their playful nature means Devons easily learn tricks and are always up for a game of hide-and-seek, tag, or fetch.
This unique breed possesses intensely loyal, human-loving, dog-like qualities. A person must be prepared to be owned by a Devon. A Devon will eat with you, sleep with you, and perch cozily on your shoulder while you are on the computer or reading. They will follow you around the house, sit at your feet, or jump on your lap the minute you sit down. A Devon will accompany you on your household chores, happily trilling, cooing, and chirping as they look for ways to help. Children and Devons are naturals as best friends and tireless playmates.
Family members will frequently find a Devon nestled in their laps or cradled in their arms. You should not be surprised to find a Devon tucked in bed with you or another family member, snuggled underneath the covers or firmly settled onto a pillow. Devons remain kittens at heart forever, and their loving nature connects them deeply with every family member.
The social nature of the Devon makes them unsuited to spending long periods of time without companionship. Devons do not discriminate in terms of the company they keep. They do very well with people, other Devons (often creating a “Devon pile”), cats, dogs, and even the occasional bird, ferret, or rabbit.
Words of caution: Devons are food hounds. Whether it is the traditional burger and chips or the more unusual asparagus tips or olives, be prepared to guard your dinner plate from the fast and crafty Devon in the house. They never turn down a meal and would be happy to assist you with yours. Do not be taken in by the pleading or the heartbreakingly pitiful expressions that would suggest they have not had a meal in weeks.
The appearance of the Devon Rex is far from ordinary, given their long skinny necks, oddly shaped heads, ridiculously big ears, and coat that can range from wildly curly to a soft suedelike down. They really are 100% feline, even if they seem to be 99% personality and 1% cat. Adult Devons are midsized cats, averaging 2.5 to 4 kgs, with males heavier than females. The coat may vary over the life of the cat, with some kittens dropping much of their coat (molting) during their development, and some adult coats changing seasonally. Devons are low maintenance, wash-and-wear companions. Despite popular myth, Devons are not hypoallergenic. They do shed, although their unique coat may make the shedding hair less obtrusive than that of many cats. While some people with animal allergies tolerate Devons very well, anyone with allergy issues should arrange to handle a Devon before considering acquiring one.
They may look like they have just arrived on Earth on an alien spaceship, but they are a natural mutation. They originated in Devon, England, in the late 1950s when a Miss Cox found that a stray cat in her care had given birth to a rather odd looking curly-haired kitten. Delighted with the kitten’s elfin features and wavy curls, she named him Kirlee – the founding father of this unique breed.
Allergic people are encouraged to visit an only Rex household/breeder to determine their own tolerance for the breed.
While no cat can be truly hypoallergenic the Devon Rex cats can lower the risk of allergic reactions. The Devon Rex cat sheds the least, so they deposit less allergen laced hair around the house.
Many people who are allergic to cats can tolerate a Rex.
Some people can also have a reaction to the Rex coat. The very short hair does not hold dust, dander and saliva as well as normal coats do. Whether or not a reaction occurs depends a great deal on the type and severity of the allergy. Some allergies are from the coat (hair) some others are from the saliva of the cat.
To Lessen These Reactions:
Keep your bedroom a cat free area.
Bathe your cat regularly: having another person bathe the cat can prevent a mild reaction.
Wipe your cat with a wet cloth every few days to remove saliva and dead hair out of the coat.
Try to reduce other allergens in the environment as they may have an additive effect.
Keep your Rex's skin healthy by feeding high quality natural foods.
Wash your hands immediately after petting your cat or touching toys and bedding and do not rub your eyes.
Vacuum up allergens with a high-grade vacuum cleaner twice weekly.
See your physician and discuss possible immunotherapy or medications.
By adopting some good management strategies you can lower the risk of an allergy reaction.
Grooming can be a pleasant experience for both of you if rex is trained to tolerate grooming when still young. Rex's will come to expect and even enjoy grooming sessions with you. A regular grooming program is also good for a cat's health. Grooming removes dead hair that can form hair balls in a cat's stomach, gets rid of dead skin and dander, stimulates the skin, tones muscles, and encourages blood circulation. A simple session of hand grooming when your Rex comes and sits on your lap will do the trick.
Bathing is hardly ever required unless your Rex got into something she/he wasn't supposed to. The coat can be damaged by too-frequent bathing or too harsh a shampoo, so be very careful in what you choose.
Some Rexes have excessive earwax because they do not have the longer hair protecting their inner ears. It is a good idea to clean the outer ear of the Rex at least once a week, with a damp tissue or ear bud, but be very careful not to poke too far in.
Vaccinations prevent some of the most common feline diseases. While no vaccination is one hundred percent effective, vaccinations have saved countless feline lives. Make vaccination part of your Rex's basic health care. Vaccination boosters are recommended once a year.
If you decided to own a lighter coloured Rex, be careful of the Sun. You have several options, let your Rex out under supervision when the sun isn't in full shine or put sun tan cream on the nose and ears of your rex to prevent skin cancers. Rexes are drawn to the sun; just remember you might have to be cruel to be kind.
Our kittens are available for sale throughout the year. We transport to NSW, ACT, WA, SA, NT, TAS, QLD, Australia and to countries worldwide, UK, Japan. We are Devon Rex Breeders registered with The Feline Association of NSW Inc and we show our cats and kittens regularly at The Royal Easter Show, The Actew AGL Royal Canberra Show and various shows around the country. Devon Rex Kittens for sale, please see our contacts page for details. Devon Rex NSW, Devon Rex for sale ACT, Devon Rex breeders Australia. Rexcatz Melbourne, Devon rex breeders Victoria, Devon Rex Breeders NSW, Devon Rex Breeder, Devon Rex Cats, Crinklewood Devon Rex Cattery, NSW CFA,